Unity Space Shooter – Chapter 15 – Publish the game(PLAY!)
Go to the publish settings. Create & Select a new folder ({root}/Builds) Build it. Play it. (NOT on Chrome.) http://steelmarble.com/unity/
View ArticleUnity Space Shooter – Chapter 17 – Extending
Add new asteroid types Start by duplicating (2x) the asteroid object(drag from prefab) to scene. Customize each one by replacing the model with the alternates. Adjust the colliders. Rename and save...
View ArticleSurvival Shooter – Chapter 1
Start a 3d project Find it https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/40756 Load it into unity Copy Environment prefab into scene Copy lights prefab onto screen We plan to use “Raycast” but...
View ArticleSurvival Shooter – Chapter 2
Add the main character, “player” Open the models folder, find it drag-and-drop it. Make sure he is centered at 0,0,0(origin) Tag player as “player” Animation controller. Move, turn, etc. You will...
View ArticleSurvival Shooter – Chapeter 3 – Camera
Change the camera to follow… Go to MainCamera Change X,Y,Z => 1, 15, -22 Rotation -> 30,0,0 Projection -> othographic with size 4.5 Background Color -> Black Script time… Create a script...
View ArticleUnity Tasty Tidbits
Move an object like a button press. [script] var tmp = transform.position; tmp.x += .08f; transform.position = tmp; [/script] Respond to a button click On a an object with box colllider. “Is Trigger”...
View ArticlePlay invalid sound, load one in the background
To start there is a “beep” while the real audio loads in the background. 1. In the game object put the audio. 2. Put an audio listener too. 3. Reuse the Collision trigger script that played the sound....
View ArticleReports
A ragged, jagged nail caused annoyance. As her teeth and tongue grappled with the sharp unevenness, her brows furrowed. Reports all have a life of their own. All reports are meant to communicate. They...
View ArticleAngular 2
nodejs is required (get to know npm) command line is your friend. Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is pretty handy. Typescript takes javascript type structures, then compiles them They say use webpack...
View ArticleChapter 1
Where are the words to describe the wind upon my face as it whispers in my ear universal secrets? What can I say about the sun on my face, warming, burning, beckoning me to adventures in far off...
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